

Skarverennet is the world's third largest cross-country skiing event and was organized for the first time in 1974. The 37 km long track runs from Finse over the high mountains to Ustaoset and more than 12,000 ski-loving people try this every year. The race takes place in the last half of April each year. The unique view and atmosphere are very special, and so is the joy of reaching the finish line at Ustaoset. Freestyle was introduced in 1987 and since then you have been able to choose a style. In 1996, the 25 km long ski track came from Haugastøl, which also has a finish at Ustaoset.

Program for Skarverennet 2024

Skarverennet 2024 dag for dag, hva skjer når (med forbehold om endringer)

Torsdag 18 april 

15.00 – 22.00 Intersport Skarverennsbutikken 
15.00 – 22.00 Startnummerutdeling, påmelding og sekretariat. 
15.00 – 21.00 Swix smøreservice, få dine ski smurt. 

Fredag 19 april 

10.00 – 23.00 Intersport Skarverennsbutikken 
10.00 - 23.00 Startnummerutdeling, påmelding og sekretariat. 
10.00 - 21.00 Swix smøreservice, få dine ski smurt. 
Fra 17.00 jubileumsfeiring m/ konsert Daniel Kvammen, Bursdagskake, Startnummer utdeling, møt eliten, m.m 
Finse stasjon 
17.00 -21.00 Startnummer utdeling, påmelding og sekretariat 

Lørdag 20 april 

05.30 – 17.00 Startnummer utdeling, sekretæriat 
10.00 – 17.00 Intersport Skarverennsbutikken 
Finse 37 km 
06.30 – 12.00 Startnummer utdeling, påmelding og sekretariat 
06.45   Skarverennsløypa 37 km åpner, Trim deltakere starter fortløpende etter ankomst Finse. 
12.00   Konkurranse start damer ungdom, junior og senior. 
12.15   Konkurransestart herren ungdom, junior og senior. 
12.15   Start Skarverennsløypa 37 km stenger 
Haugastøl 25 km 
08.30 Skarverennsløypa 25 km løypa åpner. Trimløpere starter fortløpende. 
12.30 Skarverennsløypa 25 km stenger. 
Geilohovda 15 km 
09.00 Geiloheisen starter, og løypa 15 km åpner. 
11.00 Geiloheisen stenger.  
Målområdet Ustaoset 
10.00 – 18.30 Sekretariatet, premier. 
10.00- 18.30 Skarverennskroa  
ca 13.45 Målgang elite 
Ca 14.30 50 års Feiring målområdet, konsert Daniel Kvammen, utdeling trekkepremie, Utdeling gave veldedig 
organisasjon, taler m.m. 
Premieutdeling 3 beste + beste Jente/gutt 15 – 16 år. 
Fra 15.30 resterende premievinnere får utdelt premie i premieteltet/sekretariatet. 
15.30- 18.30 «Jubileums Afterski» 
17.00 Tidtaking konkurranse avsluttes 
18.00 Målområdet stenges.

12.30 (hjemlighet) hva skjer? 
Fra ca 13.15 konkurransedeltakere passerer. 

Søndag 21 april 

10.00 – 15.00 Intersport Skarverennsbutikken. 
10.00 – 15.00 Sekretariat 
10.00 – 15.00 Hittegods


Skarverennet - A unique ski trip and nature experience

The original track goes over the high mountains and through the national park, 37 km from Finse to the finish line at Ustaoset. You get help with your skiis before the start and again when you stop at one of (or all three) drink stations on the trip. There is always a good atmosphere here and it is easy to be tempted to take a break in the delicious spring sun. It is also possible, as an alternative, to sign up for the 25 km track from Haugastøl to Ustaoset.

View for more information and registration 

World elite and tour runners in the same race

The competitors are some of the world's biggest profiles from cross-country skiing, biathlon and combined. They fight for points and prizes on the same course as you; mixing tour runners and elite is unique for Skarverennet.

A charity that involves the whole of Geilo

Skarverennet is, with a capacity of 12,000 participants, the largest ski race organized in Norway. When the sporting club Geilo IL invites to this event, it involves the efforts of as many as 1,100 volunteers, in addition to Hol Municipality and almost all the businesses. It is necessary for participants like you to have the best skiing and nature experience of the year - spring's most beautiful adventure.

Welcome to Skarverennet!


Accommodation in Geilo

Choose your perfect accommodation in Geilo – from luxurious spa hotels and charming cabins to modern apartments and cozy campsites

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